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Physical Well-Being

Physical Health and Well-Being


Why does it matter?

It is important to continue to address physical wellness in the areas of asthma, cancer, diabetes, HIV, stroke, and how our life expectancy is tied together to better the community health. Public health is defined as the science of protecting the safety and improving the health of communities through education, policymaking and research for disease prevention.

When communities have high rates of physical and medical areas of concern it can impact everyone from our family, friends, work, and our economy.  Physical health and feeling well also can have a positive relationship to our mental wellness and health. When we feel physically healthy and take care of our body it can improve our emotional health. It’s also important that we continue to tout messages about awareness and the prevention of poor physical health, but it’s equally important for the public to heed the messages about overall health and wellness. Treating the body with respect will ultimately lead to improved physical and mental well-being.

Where are we now?

As far as the cause of death, the highest mortality rates are among heart disease and cancer. The mortality rate for heart disease declined significantly from 180.5 to 157.55 in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The Heart disease death rate has increased from 157.55 to 180.9 between 2019 and 2021. Cancer deaths steadily declined from 2015-2018, then had a significant increase in 2019 followed by a slight decrease between 2019 and 2021. The overall life expectancy has declined by nearly 2.15 years from 2015–2021.

How do we measure it?

Public health areas of concern are measured in many ways. Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties have conducted surveys, and national research and surveys are conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other respected organizations. The data that is collected nationally is also aggregated to represent states like Florida in areas of physical wellness. Data is also collected at our local medical facilities and local community agencies/organizations like the Florida Department of Health to represent our specific needs.

  • Age Adjusted Death by Asthma: “Deaths from Asthma,” Florida Department of Health, Florida Health Charts, 2021, Database  accessed via
  • Age Adjusted Death by Cancer: “Cancer Deaths.” Florida Department of Health, Florida Health Charts, 2021, Database accessed via
  • Age Adjusted Death by Diabetes: “Deaths by Diabetes,” Florida Department of Health, Florida Health Charts, 2021, Database accessed via
  • Age Adjusted Death by Heart Disease: “Deaths from Heart Disease,” Florida Department of Health, Database accessed via
  • Age Adjusted Death by HIV/AIDS: “Deaths from HIV/AIDS,” Florida Department of Health, Florida Health Charts, 2021, Database accessed via
  • Age Adjusted Death by Stroke: “Deaths from Stroke,” Florida Department of Health, Florida Health Charts, 2021, Database accessed via
  • Diabetes Diagnosis in Adults: “Adults who have ever been told they had diabetes,” Florida Department of Health, Florida Health Charts, 2021, Database accessed via
  • HIV/AIDS Diagnosis: “HIV Diagnosis,” Florida Department of Health, Florida Health Charts, 2021, Database accessed via
  • Life Expectancy: “Life Expectancy Report,” Florida Department of Health, Florida Health Charts, 2021, Database accessed via

What call to action is linked to this indicator?

The call to action is to communicate that everyone has a responsibility for their physical wellness. However, families and individuals need support, education, and awareness to do so. Recognizing that youth, parents, and seniors need to understand the importance of prevention and how important communication is with doctors and/or a health care provider provides direction for action. Physical wellness is an area that is multifaceted and is a public health concern. The early loss of life, loss of regular employment due to health issues, the increased use of health facilities such as EMS and ER, and the economic negative impact of an overtaxed health care system impact everyone.